Psychological Testing Services

I provide psychological and educational testing services for individuals, from birth through adulthood, as follows:

Learning Disorders and Attention Difficulties

For individuals six years and older, I provide comprehensive evaluations of learning disorders (reading, math, written language) and attention disorders (with or without hyperactivity).  My evaluations conform to requirements outlined by public and private schools, colleges, and universities for accommodations and services, as well as requirements for accommodations on standardized testing such as the SAT or ISEE.  For more information about disability accommodations on the SAT or similar tests, here is a link to the college board’s website:

Private School and Highly Capable Program Admissions Testing

For children between the ages of four and sixteen I provide admissions or appeals testing in compliance with local private and public school requirements.  Specifically, I use the Wechsler Intelligence Tests (WPPSI-IV, WISC-V),  the Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Achievement, Fourth Edition (WJ-IV), and the Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement, Third Edition (KTEA-3).

Independent school admissions test results are typically due by the middle or end of January in any given school year.  I strongly recommend scheduling an appointment as soon as you begin to consider applying for a school that requires testing as my calendar fills quickly with this type of appointment in November, December and January.


Helpful links for parents considering highly capable program testing:

•  Seattle Country Day School
•  Evergreen School
•  University Child Development School
•  Open Window School